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    Billing Complaint?

    If you encounter any problems with your invoice, please contact our support.

    It is important to remember that Shiptimize invoicing is dependent on the parameters audited and invoiced by the various carriers. Therefore, there are two types of situations that could lead to an invoicing error:


    • Error of our billing system

      A shipment may have been allocated to your account that was not yours or you may have been charged for the wrong weight, service level and/or zone on one of your shipments. This type of situation is a quick response and will be given within 24-48 hours. A credit note will be issued for the amount of the shipment or the difference between the amount charged and the amount that should have been charged.


    • Carrier’s billing error

      Double-charging of a shipment or charging for a shipment with the wrong service level and/or zone may occur. In the case of weights and dimensions there are normally no errors as these values are obtained by devices calibrated by the competent authorities on a regular basis. If one of these errors occurs, Shiptimize’s response depends on the carrier’s reply which sometimes takes some time.

      Once Shiptimize has received your complaint and analysed the situation, we forward it to the carrier and regularly follow up with them to ensure we get a response as soon as possible. As soon as we get an answer from the carrier we contact the customer with the carrier’s reply and if the carrier has accepted the error a credit note corresponding to the difference in value will be issued by our financial team.

      The credits issued may be deducted from one of your next invoices or you may request payment of this amount by bank transfer. Upon receipt you should acknowledge receipt and indicate your intention.As billing claims may be dependent on claims with the carriers, claims will only be accepted up to 30 days after the issuance of that invoice.


    Note: Any invoice issue should not prevent the settlement of the invoice within the deadline indicated on the invoice. Non-payment of your invoices may lead to your access to your customer area being blocked as well as incurring extra costs.



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    Comments on Billing Problems/Errors

    1. It looks like I have two accounts somehow instead of one. When I send parcels, on the paper with a barcode there is a sender 11943920 / 300260421, but when I log in to my account at I see other details: 100030287-300328954.

      As I already integrated CTT to my website and sent some parcels via 11943920 / 300260421 with a Shiptimize, so I need to have access to a personal cabinet for this client number, to have the possibility to pay for the delivery and check the status.

      Please, send some instructions and/or credentials to login into the right account.
      Many thanks for considering my request.

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