Opencart v2 quick guide
Go to the OpenCart Marketplace and search for “Shiptimize” click on download, choosing the version of “OpenCart x”

Next you should go to your OpenCart administration area and make sure you have FTP active, for this you should go to “System” > “Settings” and edit your shop.
Go to the tab “FTP” and check that all fields are set and “Enable Ftp” is set to “Yes” after confirmation save the changes.

Go to “Extensions” > “Extension Installer” and click on “Upload”

Choose the file that you downloaded to your hard disk, and click Upload
If your server does not allow FTP upload through OpenCart, you can always unzip the file and copy the content of the “upload” folder to the root of your shop installation.
Next you should go to “Extensions” and select “Modules” find the Shiptimize module and here you can click to install or configure

If you do not have a Shiptimize account, click to request an account. Fill in your details and our team will contact you. Log in to your Shiptimize account and create a public and private key in Settings > Integrations > Key Management, after creation you should copy the public and private keys in the Plugin settings in OpenCart.
Next you should select under “Export All” which order status types are used for shipments that are ready to be shipped.
Click “Save”. By entering valid keys, the plugin will create new shipping methods for each carrier available in your Shiptimize account.
Note: Each installation must have one set of keys. If you have more than one shop, please generate a key pair for each shop.

Carrier Configuration
To configure the carriers you should go to Extensions > Extensions and select Shipments, after finding the shipping method you can install or edit it.

Next you should edit the shipping method you want and configure what value will be shown at checkout to your customers as well as other settings such as:
Title: The name that will be shown to your customer
Cost: A number, how much you want to charge your customer for this method.
Tax Class: If this method is taxable
Geo Zone: In which geographical zones this method should be available
Status: Active – Will show this method to your customer when the shipping address matches the geographical zones you choose above.

Shipping based on weight
If you prefer to use weight-based shipping, you must configure the shipping method by selecting “Weight-based carrier”.
As an example we will use the “CTT Weight Base”.

Title: The name that will be shown to your customer
Tax class: If this method is taxable
Status: Active – Will show this method to your customer when the shipping address corresponds to one of the enabled zones
Make sure you configure each of the zones you want to use (Portugal Mainland, Portugal Islands)

Rates: a list of rates by weight class in the format: weight class:price, weight class:price,… (Example in the picture)
Status: Activated – Will show this method to your customer when the shipping address matches the selected geographical zone.
Shiptimize settings – You can optionally define a service level and an extra option to assign to the shipment when your customer selects this shipping method at checkout
Automatic updates between Shiptimize and Opencart
As soon as a shipping label is created, a tracking number is automatically generated. This tracking number is automatically updated in your Opencart shop and associated with the correct order.

Additionally, from your Shiptimize account under Settings > Integrations > Integration Details you can set at what point(s) the order statuses in your OpenCart backend should be updated.

You can select to update when:
- An order is imported;
- A shipping label has been printed;
- The shipment has been delivered;
Checkout for customers including delivery points
After installation and configuration according to the steps provided above, all enabled carriers are offered as shipping options to your customer at checkout. If a carrier provides a delivery service to a delivery point, a button will be added to the checkout, allowing the user to select their preferred location.

Once your customer clicks on “choose pick-up location”, we will show a map (Google Maps in case you have entered a Google Maps key in the plugin configuration.

Otherwise, an OpenStreetMap including the nearest collection points.

Order export
In case you want to export orders to create shipping labels, we offer two options to do so:
- Export pre-set order statuses: Click this option to export all orders that have not been exported before and have an order status that you have configured in your Plugin settings after “Export all”;
- Export selected orders: Click this option to send any selected order, regardless of status. This allows you to re-export orders if you delete them in the platform. If you try to re-export an order that is already on the platform, it will be refused, based on an existing order number.

Carriers update in the plugin
If at any time you want to add more carriers to your contract. Ask your contact in Shiptimize or through Support to let you know when they are active in the app.
Then go to configuration and save the settings. Every time you do this, the plugin will ask the app what information is there and update the plugin cache.